Jonny, the only indexible endmills you'll be able to find at .5" and smaller usually only use one insert, I don't think they would work well for you. Most serious CNC shops don't move to an indexible endmill until they need 3/4" size or bigger, except for face milling.
For aluminum a 3 flute solid carbide endmill would be your best bet, I get good results with the ones from .
Also, particularly on smaller machines, a 1/2" endmill is pretty big, you likely don't have the HP to make full use of that and carbide endmills don't last as long when they aren't run in their best range for their size. I'd stay at 3/8" or smaller when you can, with the added benefit that these endmills are cheaper.
You shouldn't be having problems with nicking the corners, are your speeds and feeds set correctly and are the chips get cleared?
Re-cutting of chips is something that will kill a carbide endmill.
Good luck-
Paul T.