My MACH3 system was running fine under Windows7. It was a Desktop system configured with one Port supporting my Sherline Mill and the other Port supporting my Sherline Lathe. Do to hardware failures I had to replace the mother board. Since installing the new mother board; I have been unable to contact the G540 controller through the Parallel Port. Neither old nor new Mother board provided any Parallel Port support. So, for Parallel port support I have been using PCI cards I bought from CNC4PC and they worked fine. After installing new Mother board nothing works in an attempt to solve the problem, I bought new PCI Parallel Port cards and replaced the ones I had. Still no luck.
Then it was pointed out to me today that the port was defined as LPT3. I had assumed that PORT 1 and PORT2 terms in the MACH configuration were generic terms and if the HEX address was correct then things would work. Things don’t work. I am attaching a
jpg copy of the expanded device table. Can anyone tell me how to make the ports consistent either in MACH3 or windows 7? Also is hex A010 the correct address.