You could MDI G53 X0 Z0 as a substitute for a button.
G53 Move in ABS Coordinates
Absolute machine coordinates:G53 - move in" For linear motion to a point expressed in absolute coordinates, program G1 G53 X~ Y~ Z~ A~ B~ C~ (or similarly with G0 instead of G1), where all the axis words are optional, except that at least one must be used. The G0 or G1 is optional if it is in the current motion mode. G53 is not modal and must be programmed on each line on which it is intended to be active. This will produce co-ordinated linear motion to the programmed point. If G1 is active, the speed of motion is the current feed rate (or slower if the machine will not go that fast). If G0 is active, the speed of motion is the current traverse rate (or slower if the machine will not go that fast).