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Author Topic: Smoothstepper USB and z axis  (Read 26006 times)

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Re: Smoothstepper USB and z axis
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2012, 11:44:00 PM »
I am looking at your pdf, the last page you noted....wasn't sure where to start with that math.  But this eve, started calibrating x and y movements, first determining the max acceleration and velocity I could live with, that worked without tripping out, then calibrating the moves to match the dro with a dial pointer.   So now, for those axes, I can set the max step frequency for each axis based on those Mach steps per second indicated in the motor settings window....and then simply adjust the controller frequency to the lowest frequency that still has smooth movement?  And that should eliminate the data overflow or whatever data errors are tripping the drive?  Assuming it isn't a  noise problem...
Re: Smoothstepper USB and z axis
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2013, 07:15:11 PM »
Warp9   E189010 board
smoothstepper driver Ver 17efb, 37, 2.08.36.
the motor does not lock - the new motor does not lock.
 I reversed the pins no luck
 I swapped the cables on the controller z did not jog but, x would jog either way.
 I have reloaded mach3.
 I reloaded SS driver.
 I am at, with my limit experience looking at the SS driver or board ????
 Mach3 knows and shows jogging. SS shows the movement in mach3.
 I believe z is not getting the signal from the driver.

now mach3 does not recognize the ss
Re: Smoothstepper USB and z axis
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2013, 04:18:56 PM »
Just curious, how was this resolved?

I am assuming it has been (or is being) resolved?