Haley, I believe your problem is with whatever software you are using to produce your G-code. I ran into this same issue some years back and not having the top shelf ($$$$) software, wrote my own little app to convert flat pattern X,Y,Z G-code to X,A,Z for cylinders. I found the zero crossing is a problem that must be dealt with. One way is to limit 'A' values to the range of zero to 360 deg. I chose to test each ‘A’ and if the next move would result in a value less than zero or over 360 deg , then insert a new block with a ‘G92 Axx’, (where the new ‘A’ is the current ‘A’ plus or minus 360 as required to stay in range.). In your example 719.768 would have already been changed to 359.768 in a previous block and the move to 361.242 would be the short move that you want.
I’ll attach a copy of my app, don’t know if it will help, but might give you some ideas.
In my opinion, you must fix your G-code; you do NOT want Mach deciding when to take the short route and when you really DO want to move more than 180. Been there, done that
