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Author Topic: G43/G49 Question  (Read 4878 times)

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G43/G49 Question
« on: November 08, 2011, 11:59:39 PM »
I'm (slowly) bringing up a KFlop on my machine, and one of the things I have to get working is tool length compensation, using the knee.  I'm curious how G43/G49 work on a "real" CNC machine.  Will execution of G43/G49 result in any movement, or does the movement occur only when some subsequent block commands it?

Ray L.
Ray L.

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Re: G43/G49 Question
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 12:29:08 AM »
Ray in most cases I believe the motion only occurs when a Z axis block is called. It uses that motion to do the comp as well as the move and finish up at the new comped height.

Just a thought, (;-) TP
Re: G43/G49 Question
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 01:09:15 AM »

That is what I suspected, from looking at the G43/G49 code in the KFlop RS274interpreter, and makes perfect sense when the comp is done on the Z axis.  I need to modify it so it actually does the move when the G43/G49 are executed, to make it work the way I want it to.  Fortunately, that appears to be a very simple change to the interpreter.  I'll find out in a few days when my copy of Visual Studio gets here.

Ray L.
Ray L.

Offline thosj

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Re: G43/G49 Question
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 08:01:36 AM »
Ray, I have my machine setup just like yours, using M843/M849 macros to accomplish tool length compensation with the knee. It works well, but with a customized post for my CAM program and some macros in Mach to do it. I'd be very interested in your results with this KFlop thing and getting G43/G49 to work normally, but with the knee compensating for tool length differences. I assume it requires some C programming, seeing as you're waiting for a copy of Visual Studio!! Let me know if you're posting about this effort anywhere else and I'll follow along.

I'm not even certain what a KFlop is, have to check. A SS replacement, I assume?

Re: G43/G49 Question
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 09:11:08 AM »

Sounds like you're using my M843/M849 macros then?

Yes, a KFlop is similar to a SmoothStepper, but quite different in some respects.  One of the key differences is that complete source code for both the firmware running on the device, as well as the PC applications and DLLs is provided.  It is quite easy (well, if you're a C/C++ programmer) to add your own functionality to the firmware and applications.  In fact, just getting the board running on your machine requires some programming.  But it is an extremely powerful and flexible solution.  My ultimate goal is to create a customized version of the KFlop CNC controller application written in C# tailored to my exact needs.

I'm discussing this with TomK, the KFlop developer, on the Yahoo "Dynomotion" group.

Ray L.
Ray L.

Offline thosj

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Re: G43/G49 Question
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2011, 09:34:12 AM »
Yeah, I'm using variations of your M843 and M849 macros and some others I've done to do it the way I like and I have the UserExts screen in the MSM screenset done up to use all this stuff. I kept tuning it up for the way I like to work. I'm sort of a fuddy duddy that way, being a lifelong machinist, now retired, who was stuck on the way he wants to do thing!! I'm pretty happy with my setup now, but always looking for ways to screw it up so I have some fun project!! You know how that goes, I'm sure.

The KFlop thing will have to leave me in the dust unless I want to learn C/C++/C# programming. I learned Cypress VB just enough to do what I needed, with gentle shoves from Dave Bagby (!), but C is a whole new thing. Not sure I'm up for THAT challenge.

I'll sign up for the Yahoo Dynamotion group just for fun.
