as said in the subject, I wrote a plug in which lets you set DRO's. Some data:
You can assign up to 6 DRO's
The button size can be be adjusted to your needs, which effects also the dialog size
2 skins available Normal and some kind of 3d look
plain numeric keypad and numeric keypad with a little math option (add, sub, mult, div, root, power) where you can also read DRO's for math operation
startable from Mach3 menu, or from a screenset button with the following property SetUserLED(1100,1) the LED number must not be used by any other plug in, or control element. A tuturial video is on my homepage under:
Downloads -> MachScreen Videos-> using the build in Editor
Under Config you can:
set the LED number
select Number pad or Math number pad
select language English, German
assign the DRO to the keypad
define the number of used DRO's
set button size
select skin
under Settings you can:
set the font for the Keys, Edit field and the DRO names
The program is in Beta state. I would really appreciate any comments and suggestions.