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Author Topic: Jog speed is very slow  (Read 5012 times)

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Offline Jackal

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Jog speed is very slow
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:30:21 PM »
I have finally got a free weekend to work on my Hurco.

The X axis motor mounted and  working. The jog speed is super slow. (About 20 inches a minute) or ( .5 meters a minute).

Looking at the steps per revolution stuff, I am lost. The steps per unit has me messed up. My X axis is direct drive coupling, .200 pitch screws, 5 TPI.

Y & Z  axis are the same pitch screws, and they each have a 26 tooth pulley on the motor & a 26 tooth pulley on the ballscrew.  1:1 drive, isn't it?

Last night, under motor tuning, when the  steps is set to 4000, it jogs at a respectable speed.

But, this isn't right, it was just a test.

My encoders are set at 500 and the motors are set at 2000.

After looking at all kinds of overrides, jog%, etc. I can't find anything that will speed it up.

This is the sample MACH 3 download, it is at 25k kernel speed.

There must be something I am overlooking.

Before all of the motors are installed, does the encoder need to be set to a different count?

This, because the Y axis motor has to be wiggled around and slid through an access door in the knee to install it.

Also, my limit switches are all installed, but when I trigger them with a screwdriver, they don't react.

Is this because the  machine hasn't been homed out?

I don't want to get too many things going at once.

Just get the jog speed set for now.

I am using the sample .xml file from PMDX with  my limits & home switches  sharing  pin #12 ( I changed these inputs in Mach also)

By the way, my drives are Gecko 320x's.

Do the [gain] or [pulse multiplier] settings need to be changed?

This thing is close to running. I am probably making out the steps per unit, & motor RPMs more complicated than they really are.

 I hate to drag anyone into this with the machine not together enough to run certain things for test purposes , but I am at a wall.

Thanks for all of the help,

JAckal :)
Everything is bio-degradable if you run over it enough with a lawnmower.

Offline Hood

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Re: Jog speed is very slow
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 06:19:53 PM »
500 line encoders are 2000 pulses per rev for Mach and you need 5 turns of screw for 1 inch so 10,000 steps per inch is what you need. At 25KHz kernel the max Velocity you will achieve is 150 IPM

Offline Jackal

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Re: Jog speed is very slow
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2011, 09:08:02 PM »
Thanks Hood,

At one time I figured that, and then got busy and did trust what I had come up with.

I tried to put more than 4000 in and got an error one time and that made me think my calculation was off.

150 IPM is more than acceptable.

 Thank you 1,000 times. ;D

JAckal :)
Everything is bio-degradable if you run over it enough with a lawnmower.

Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Jog speed is very slow
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 05:25:45 AM »
Ha ha at the moment 150IPM may be acceptable but in a few weeks you will be thinking it very slow :D

Offline Jackal

  •  171 171
Re: Jog speed is very slow
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2011, 09:56:01 AM »
That is what I've read from everyone thoughts. ;D

I checked it last night ( at 10,000), and it is almost as quick as the factory Hurco rapid.

My Hurco factory set-up was always at 60% rapids. That was for safety until I got familiar with programming it. It only ran about 15 hours that way, before going kaput!!!

I'll probably asking about following errors at  400IPM in a month or so. ;D ;D ::)

Thanks again,

Everything is bio-degradable if you run over it enough with a lawnmower.