has a belt and it is very high tensioned
Is it a timing belt or a v belt?
I would recomend that when you check the backlash you base it on one complete revolution of the belt.
You can set the steps per based on a distance of one rev of the belt and then find that it will be out if you check a distance where the belt
is say only half way thru it's complete travel. Steps can be lost or gained with timing belts depending on tension, but, but, but..... you will be hard pressed to find those steps.
Even a cheap indicator will be of value in the shop and can be found new for say $15.00 on sale. Splurge my friend.
Similar problem as yours can be found when a screw profile is not linear, yes it will return to zero, but depending on how you rationalize the
steps per based on a distance you will have varing results. Let me remark that what I am talking about here are small variances.
You problem is not Mach, as i see it, but rather you system.
Been Wrong Before,