Guys I hope some of you can help!!! I noticed this afternoon that my machine was really slowing down and shuttering on the 3d contours. I don't know if it the acetal nut on the acme shaft heating up as it runs causing drag the motor down. All axis seem to be waiting on the z axis. I thought it was my program but I reverted back to settings that I had ran earlier this morning and the seem problem still seemed to exist. Could be a voltage problem? I am at a loss. I am going to run the program in the morning on a fresh start up to see what happens. The problem seemed to get gradually worse as the machine ran. I am running a keling 425 oz inch four axis kit with the 36 volt power supply. Three to one gear reduction on all axis. 1/2 acme screw with acetal nut on the z, dual drive y axis slaved together running on rack and pinion, and the same set up in x as y with one motor. Don't seem to be loosing any steps and work is coming out slick as a ribbon but the shuttering really is slowing the program down. Hopefully someone has the answer because it is driving me nuts. I even noticed this same shutter in my roughing programs as well. As I said I didn't have any of this when I started running my machine this morning. I am attaching some pics!!!