Hi have a similiar question, I´m trying to setup six keys in my keyboard (F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) to connect preheat, disconnect preheat, activate plasma cut, deactivate plasma cut and activate O2 cut and deactivate O2 cut I got runing for a while that famous M301 subrutine by mean of a OEM key linked to a hotkey. For some reason wich I don´t know some times that procedure doesn´t work. Is anything else that I should do to get that runing like execute some especial command or so?. Would that work if I write inside de M301 script sentences like if IsActive (OEMTRIG1) Then ActivateSignal(Output1)
if IsActive (OEMTRIG2) Then ActivateSignal(Output2)
Etc, etc etc....
Nice to kee in touch with all you and thanks beforehand.