No reason why you cant just take them all to +5 Volts.
There are some occasions when I wish to disable just one axis.
When working on long jobs (longer than the working table) I produce the artwork in one piece and with a pause in the GCode at the appropriate point I disable the Y axis, release the work (which remains in the same place) whilst the table is moved by hand to the new location. The work is re-clamped, the axis enabled and the job restarted. I have tried various other methods and this system works best for me when making long signs.
When I use the laser head, the Z axis carries the focus lens assembly and once set remains the same for the entire job. I use standard engraving GCode and therefore any Z commands will alter the focus so disabling just the Z axis prevents this.
There are other occasions but it is one of those things that once you have it then you find the uses for it.