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Author Topic: Plasma Z floating head  (Read 42750 times)

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Re: Plasma Z floating head
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2018, 12:41:57 AM »
I have done exactly that. and no luck. I thought it might be a check box in settings in Mach?
Re: Plasma Z floating head
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2018, 04:37:14 PM »
the only other possible culprit then is:
G92 Z0

You may have noted that the short Gcode reference in Mach3 does not recommend this legacy G code. I don't recall having used it or had
any Gcode generated by a CAM/post that used it either.

I'm wondering if it updates the work  co-ordinates ie your current G54 or whether it changes your machine co-ordinates?

I think some experimentation on the effects of this code are in order.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: Plasma Z floating head
« Reply #32 on: May 30, 2018, 05:46:14 AM »
Mine is doing the exact same thing except with g28.1, it’s gotta be something simple!

Hello all I have Built a CNC plasma/router. The plasma is my first priority and I am pulling my hair out trying to get the touch off to work. I am cutting a few letters out that is encompassed by an oval to make a plaque.  The program starts out with a probe as it should. it raises up for pierce and delays, it cuts out the first letter. Then it raises the safe Z (.5") rapids to the next letter and probes. rather than zeroing again it raises up around an inch and then starts to cut the letter 1" above the steel. it shows that it is at cut height on the dro but it is not. The next letter it will stair step up even higher and each letter does the some until the z axis runs up to its limit. I have included the first part of the code below to let you see what fusion produced. each contour in the program has this same start to the profile. I am new to Mach so hopefully this is easy. Thanks in advance

  • Running mach3
    nvem ethernet controller.
    drawing and producing code in fusion 360
    I have modified one of the latest posts off of the Fusion forum For a G31 touch off

Code: [Select]
N10 G20
N15 G90

(2D Profile2)
N20 M6 T1
N25 G54
N30 M9
N40 G0 X0.3374 Y1.0667
N50 G31 Z-100
N55 G92 Z 0.05 reseting axis
N60 G0 Z 0.2
N65 M3
N70 G4 P 2
N75 G0 Z 0.15
N80 G1 X0.3863 Y1.0771 F39.37
N85 G2 X0.387 Y1.0789 I0.0295 J-0.0096
N90 G1 X0.3889 Y1.0838
N95 Y1.0839

Re: Plasma Z floating head
« Reply #33 on: May 30, 2018, 06:12:31 AM »
Here are the first couple of sections of the code.
Running sheetcam
PROMA THC (works)
Floating head

Code: [Select]
N0020 (Post processor: MP1000-THC.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 29/05/2018)
N0040 G20 (Units: Inches)
N0050 G53 G90 G40
N0060 F1
N0070 (Part: sumospeed logo 12 in at 100 feed rate wo lines)
N0080 (Operation: Inside Offset, CAD, T1: Plasma, 0.0591 in kerf)
N0090 M06 T1 F60 (Plasma, 0.0591 in kerf)
N0100 G00 Z1.0000
N0110 X5.5555 Y1.3313
N0120 Z0.0000
N0130 G28.1 Z0.12
N0140 G92 Z0.0
N0150 G00 Z0.0520
N0160 G92 Z0.0
N0170 G00 Z0.0000
N0180 M03
N0190 G03 X5.4906 Y1.2266 I0.1570 J-0.1699 F60.0
N0200 X5.4740 Y1.0999 I0.2268 J-0.0942
N0210 X5.4761 Y1.0921 I0.0293 J0.0039
N0220 X5.5732 Y0.9847 I0.2069 J0.0894
N0230 G01 X5.7340 Y0.8544
N0240 G02 X5.8234 Y0.7373 I-0.2290 J-0.2674
N0250 X5.8333 Y0.6398 I-0.2239 J-0.0719
N0260 X5.7847 Y0.4332 I-0.8676 J0.0947
N0270 G01 X5.7837 Y0.4299
N0280 G02 X5.6196 Y0.1543 I-0.5282 J0.1278
N0290 X5.1657 Y0.0295 I-0.4043 J0.5824
N0300 G01 X5.1608 Y0.0294
N0310 G02 X4.8678 Y0.1252 I-0.0364 J0.3849
N0320 X4.8310 Y0.2328 I0.1042 J0.0957
N0330 X4.8813 Y0.4558 I0.8337 J-0.0708
N0340 G01 X4.8816 Y0.4568
N0350 X4.9077 Y0.5344
N0360 X5.2554
N0370 X5.2090 Y0.3969
N0380 G03 X5.1897 Y0.2827 I0.2109 J-0.0943
N0390 X5.1947 Y0.2686 I0.0294 J0.0025
N0400 G01 X5.2145 Y0.2397
N0410 G03 X5.2392 Y0.2268 I0.0244 J0.0167
N0420 X5.4178 Y0.3745 I-0.0020 J0.1843
N0430 X5.4443 Y0.5703 I-0.3059 J0.1410
N0440 X5.4385 Y0.5837 I-0.0292 J-0.0048
N0450 X5.2797 Y0.7245 I-0.4588 J-0.3573
N0460 G01 X5.1501 Y0.8264
N0470 G02 X5.1035 Y0.8842 I0.1018 J0.1296
N0480 X5.1159 Y1.1474 I0.3261 J0.1166
N0490 G01 X5.1178 Y1.1528
N0500 G02 X5.2956 Y1.4462 I0.5615 J-0.1397
N0510 X5.6633 Y1.5597 I0.3481 J-0.4752
N0520 G01 X5.6650
N0530 G02 X5.8817 Y1.5372 I0.0202 J-0.8598
N0540 X5.9946 Y1.4763 I-0.0561 J-0.2392
N0550 X6.0316 Y1.3747 I-0.0833 J-0.0879
N0560 X5.9771 Y1.1495 I-0.9292 J0.1060
N0570 G01 X5.9767 Y1.1484
N0580 X5.9626 Y1.1062
N0590 X5.6149
N0600 X5.6431 Y1.1895
N0610 G03 X5.6670 Y1.3034 I-0.2869 J0.1198
N0620 G01 X5.6661 Y1.3111
N0630 G03 X5.5841 Y1.3618 I-0.0669 J-0.0166
N0640 X5.5611 Y1.3353 I0.0065 J-0.0288
N0650 G01 X5.5555 Y1.3313
N0660 M05
N0670 G00 Z1.0000
N0680 X6.6562 Y1.3628
N0690 Z0.0000
N0700 G28.1 Z0.12
N0710 G92 Z0.0
N0720 G00 Z0.0520
N0730 G92 Z0.0
N0740 G00 Z0.0000
N0750 M03
N0760 G01
N0770 X6.6489 Y1.3624

Mine is doing the exact same thing except with g28.1, it’s gotta be something simple!

Hello all I have Built a CNC plasma/router. The plasma is my first priority and I am pulling my hair out trying to get the touch off to work. I am cutting a few letters out that is encompassed by an oval to make a plaque.  The program starts out with a probe as it should. it raises up for pierce and delays, it cuts out the first letter. Then it raises the safe Z (.5") rapids to the next letter and probes. rather than zeroing again it raises up around an inch and then starts to cut the letter 1" above the steel. it shows that it is at cut height on the dro but it is not. The next letter it will stair step up even higher and each letter does the some until the z axis runs up to its limit. I have included the first part of the code below to let you see what fusion produced. each contour in the program has this same start to the profile. I am new to Mach so hopefully this is easy. Thanks in advance

  • Running mach3
    nvem ethernet controller.
    drawing and producing code in fusion 360
    I have modified one of the latest posts off of the Fusion forum For a G31 touch off

Code: [Select]
N10 G20
N15 G90

(2D Profile2)
N20 M6 T1
N25 G54
N30 M9
N40 G0 X0.3374 Y1.0667
N50 G31 Z-100
N55 G92 Z 0.05 reseting axis
N60 G0 Z 0.2
N65 M3
N70 G4 P 2
N75 G0 Z 0.15
N80 G1 X0.3863 Y1.0771 F39.37
N85 G2 X0.387 Y1.0789 I0.0295 J-0.0096
N90 G1 X0.3889 Y1.0838
N95 Y1.0839

Re: Plasma Z floating head
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2018, 01:42:47 PM »
Got it, changed the G28.1 to G31. Thanks for all the info. It works now!