Hello Ger:
I understand what the line is (the clearance plane), but in all my running the macro for two days, over and over testing changes, that never happened. When the tool jammed into the touch plate, I was really surprised. It immediately retracted and lifted the touch plate up as it was stuck on the end of the center drill.
I also had added the line, Code "G53 Z-.2" after the original macro line to move to the clearance plane, which was 1".
It looks to me like it was on it's way to Z0.000, and maybe even jammed the center drill further up into the Albrecht chuck. Pretty spooky.
It may have been a quirk, but the beginning of the line is , Code "Go Z" ..................
Since I am modifying the macro to set quick change tools in a milling machine, and the spindle stays in the same X-Y location, the move up to just below the Z machine home is for changing out the tool holders, as I have a big quill with 6" of travel. There is no need for a clearance plane like a router with two touchplates.
All things said, I really like the macro.