Thanks to Poppabear.....I got the "Execute Button Script" working. Since this topic was not real clear to me...I thought I would share the steps I used to make it work. In fact, I was able to trigger (3) different functions by using If Then statements in my script.
#1 Create (2) VB scripts;
The first script (m666) simply has this statement "SetTriggerMacro (1000)"
The second script (m1000) is the process, or processes, you want to run.
If isActive (OEMtrig1) then
******************X do something *********XX
end if
If isActive (OEMtrig2) then
******************X do something *********XX
end if
If isActive (OEMtrig3) then
******************X do something *********XX
end if
#2 Setup your hotkeys.
ex. Trigger#1 301, Trigger#2 301, Trigger#3 301
#3 Set your ports and pins
ex. oemtrigger#1 port10 pin5, oemtrigger#2 port10 pin6, oemtrigger#3 port10 pin7
#4 Write your Brain using the "execute buttonscript"
ex. oemtrigger#1--->no op---->execute button script
oemtrigger#2---->no op---> execute button script
oemtrigger#3--->no op--->execute button script
hope this helps,