Yes the code is telling the Z to rotate slowly and that is why it is doing it.
Here is what the code is saying
27 X0.0823 Y0.626 Z 0.0 ( X, Y and Z to move to these positions at the commanded feedrate set earlier)
28 G00 Z0.1 (This is telling Z to Rapid to 0.1)
29 X9.9157 Y1.376 Z0.0 (this is telling X,Y and Z to go to the positions and all will move but as X has the furthest to go it will move faster, Y will be next fastest but Z has hardly any distance to move so it will go slow. The reason is all axis need to start and finish at the same time)
30 X9.9157 Y1.376 Z-0.25(This line is essentially telling the Z to move to -0.25, there are X and Y commands but as they are already there they dont move and are actually not needed in the code, replacing that line with z-0.25 would do exactly the same)
So as you can see the machine is doing as its told by the code. If the Z0 on line 29 was deleted or replaced with Z0.1 the Z Axis would not move until that line had completed and then the next line would take it down to -0.25