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Author Topic: work offsets  (Read 2348 times)

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work offsets
« on: November 15, 2010, 11:18:37 AM »
I am trying to machine two parts using g55 and g56.  g55 is one vise and g56 is another.  when i run through the program it seems to machine everything correctly except the very last finish pass in g56.  i turn on cutter comp then everything goes hay wire i get drives faulting and i think its trying to move back to the g55 position to do the finish pass there.   i attached the nc file that i'm working with and i'm at a loss as to why it completes part one just fine, but won't finish part 2.  its like when cutter comp pics up it reverts back to its original position when it was first being used.  i am running the latest mach 3 software.