I thought anti dive was to keep Mach from diving into a hole or span cause by the rise in arc voltage as it crosses the gap.
Could be wrong but that is how it seems to work here. Otherwise IF you had a long dwell on start the head would try to dive into the hole to chase the arc voltage. Same if you crossed a span or gap in the metal
Just a thought, (;-) TP
What you describe is an anti-dive feature of SOME THCs - generally the more sophisticated ones. When the arc crosses a gap, the electronics "recognize" the voltage spike and suspend THC until the voltage settles again. BUT - what I'm referring to is the more simplistic anti-dive that comes out of the box with Mach - i.e. a software thing rather than hardware. The problem it's meant to prevent is that when you slow down round (say) a sharp corner, this causes the torch volts to rise. This fools the THC into thinking the torch to work distance has increased so the THC sends torch DOWN to Mach. Ouch - Crash.
So to get round this you can set an anti dive speed in Mach (OEM 82) which basically says if you go slower than this then ignore the UP/DOWN signals from the THC. It's enabled/disabled with OEM 221 or with OEM 222,223.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work! Hence my question.