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Author Topic: Wrong feed rate  (Read 23704 times)

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Re: Wrong feed rate
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2010, 02:04:30 PM »
Calum -
My SS test set up is currently unavailable so I can't see 1st hand what happens with a SS right now.

However, on a PP, the actual feed rate DRO = F word * FRO % to within +- 1 of the least significant digit.
Also the FRO does change the FR as the FRO is changed.

So, if there is a bug, it would appear to be SS/Mach related.

Author of the MachStdMill Extensions for Mach3

Offline Calum

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Re: Wrong feed rate
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2010, 04:29:21 AM »
Hi Dave,

I fixed the feed rate override, it was the No FRO on Queue setting on the Mach general config.

If just installed beta 10 but still have the low feed rate guess its something to do with Mach and/or SS but I can put up with this.  Everything works fine and is usable, thanks for all of your dedication and hard work, I love the new screen and wont go back to the old one now.

Calum :D
Re: Wrong feed rate
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2010, 09:07:20 AM »
Hi All,
I was using my mill at the weekend and suddenly realised that the actual feedrates did not seem to be the same as the feedrates in the Gcode - on several occasions I saw a F100 followed by G0 commands but could hear and see on the feed rate display something significantly faster - at least twice as fast. Most of the cuts were short so the machine did not have the chance to ramp up fully but I had the impression that I was seeing G0 speeds rather than G1.

I am running beta 9 and 043. 019.

If this problem has also been seen by others and dealt with in this new release I will update. However if not, I will attempt to gather more information if required (what though...?)

Regards to all,

PS Extremely impressed with MSM despite tyhe beta level problems.
Re: Wrong feed rate
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2010, 09:43:22 AM »
There were feedrate issues in mach 3.43.19 - recommend that you update to 3.43.22 - is has solved the feed rate issue for others.
Also best to update MSM to Beta 10 (0.3.14). The MSM level (beta 9 vs beta 10) won't matter with respect to the feed rate issue, but you might as well have the other minor fixes that come with Beta 10.
Author of the MachStdMill Extensions for Mach3
Re: Wrong feed rate
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2010, 05:14:20 PM »
Thanks for the information, I have just downloaded (but not run) the updates. Sorry I didn't read the previous feed rate thread first either... :-[