I have an issue with my homing routine. For some reason, my home switches/limit switches engage at a different position than they disengage. For example, while feeding Z up and normal speed, the homing switch engages, then the homing routine backs off until it disengages and sets that position as zero. The problem is it doesn't disengage at the same coordinate it engaged. The problem is the limit switch itself, and i'm not about to replace them. Because of the issue, when im jogging towards machine zero, i can go well past before the switch engages.
So my question is, is it possible to edit the "REFCOMBINATION" procedure so that it backs off completely after hitting at normal speed, then feeds at a slower rate until it engages again? Similar to a touch probe procedure? But since the Home and Limit switches are the same switch, is there a way to bypass the limit switches setting off an e-stop during the procedure?