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Author Topic: Can anyone help with jog increment and circles?  (Read 4240 times)

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Can anyone help with jog increment and circles?
« on: August 05, 2010, 08:28:19 AM »
Hi bit new to this CNC stuff and recently purchased a machine just setting it up, only problem I am having at the moment is I can't appear to jog in increments of .001, .01 etc ie decimal devisions of 1, it jogs .00035.  Now I know this is the min step distance of the machine but I thought Mach could compensate for this.  I.e 266,85 steps per mm,  Is there a setting I have missed?    Also when I cut a circle and square to test setup the square is more or less accurate to within .05 but the circle fluctuates to maybe 0.2, I have used various means to evaluate backlash and this appears to make little difference, Is there another setting I have missed here?

Thanks Nick

Offline Fastest1

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  • Houston, TX
Re: Can anyone help with jog increment and circles?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 09:22:03 AM »
Are you in step mode or velocity on the flyout page? I experienced a similar issue before I corrupted my last xml file. I had it working in .1 and .01 but .001 would give me distances like what you refer to. I personally think I would have resolved that difference soon but now I am starting over. I am being tempted by the MSM screens. Btw step mode should take you to the exact distance and velocity mode will not be accurate in distance (I do believe it would be as accurate if you could press the key for the same exact time). Is this using an MPG or with the on screen controls?
I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not like the passengers in the car! :-)
Re: Can anyone help with jog increment and circles?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 02:06:34 PM »
Hi Fastest1 cheers for the info, this was in the mpg steping panel that pops out on the main page when you press the tab key.  Was just trying to fine tune the setup and get it working as I want, and of course do the backlash compensation which looks like being about .02 mm.  So hopefully everything will be accurate
