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Author Topic: X axis seems to be mirrored..??  (Read 5064 times)

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X axis seems to be mirrored..??
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:10:03 AM »
Hi all,

First off like to say what a top and very helpful forum, I have spent many hours scrolling through and finding what I need but this issue I have now has stumped me!

I have a Sieg X2 mini mill using a new type of cnc screw kit (please see below) and I'm using a motion control kit for the electronics and Mach 3 for control.

I have spent the last 2 years on and off putting all this together and have now finally finished the build. I have a home switch on each axis as well as a overtravel one on the x & y. All seems to run fine, the machine moves all In the negative direction and homes up to home switches perfectly with no problem.

My question to whoever is nice enough to try and help is the only problem now is the X axis seems to be mirrored, i.e. I have done a short program that would engrave "SIEG X2" for a test but the machine should start from the left hand side on the "S" but it seems to start from the right hand side and engraves backwards? The only thing I can think of is I have set the home position in the wrong place (would this matter) with the table all the way to the front and all the way over to the right. I have tried to reverse the "X" in the inputs/outputs page but when I do the machine overtravels and when I home it it will go the opposite way to where my home switch is. I want my bed to home at the front for ease of loading, is this my problem??

I'm more than likely being a total wally but thought I would see what others thought and if it does matter where I have my home position/switches set to.

http://www.computool.co.uk/SiegX2.html#Basic Mini Mill Checking dimensions

CNC Driver Kit 1 Nema23 425 motors with 3 off 4.2A micro stepping drivers, 1 off breakout board and 2 off 40V 7A power supplies.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Re: X axis seems to be mirrored..??
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 11:48:07 AM »
Try reversing the X axis in Homing/Limits . Check the Reverse box.

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Re: X axis seems to be mirrored..??
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 11:53:47 AM »
Also recommend setting "Dir LowActive" to on in your Config> ports and pins> motor outputs tab.  This will reverse the direction of your step pulses and should take care of the mirror effect.  Note that you will also have to check the "Home Negative" box in the config>homing and limits tab, because reversing the motor direction will make your machine home in the wrong direction.
Mr. Creosote
Re: X axis seems to be mirrored..??
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 12:52:07 PM »
Thanks very much!

Sound advice and all sorted!! ;D