The manual ended ambiguously, or maybe I am the only one who didn't catch how to make the software get out of emergency mode. Is there another trick?, or is there software that will control the stepper motors for real? The software included from Longs Motors does not unzip, so I downloaded software from Artsoft, which must have been a mistake. The port address is correct, is there something else needed to make this work? The software appears, at least looks like it could be of of value, yet nothing works in e-mode, thus rendering it useless, with no information easily available to make it work. Tried switching port logic - no avail. I've heard rumors of people who have made Mach3 work, are they all on youtube because they were able to make this work?, or has someone else cracked this code?
It looks so good, yet with RESET flashing, the program is useless. Has anybody gotten this to work? It seems popular, thus, I must be the only one who has not figured out what was trying to be said. Very Frustrating.
By default, this program does not work, is there a program that can work somewhat like this one looks like it should, but with a manual that tells one how to make it work? This has cost a tremendous amount of money so far. There is a license .dat file that came on the mini-CD, but the
(Chinese) original program did not unjzip on my computer. That's why I downloaded a version from Artsoft - and that must be a problem, if not the only problem besides the incomplete manual .