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Author Topic: Requested Home Axis is Used  (Read 10076 times)

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Offline kolias

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Requested Home Axis is Used
« on: September 03, 2022, 10:20:08 AM »
My C11G BOB has four 5V terminals on the Inputs side and the schematic provided for connecting the Limits indicates all 5V for the Limit to go to one pin. I decided to spread the 5V to other 5V pins to make a better looking job but then the problem started (thought all 5V terminals are the same).

All limits alone work properly and when I’m in the diagnostic screen I click the Ref X, Ref Y it works properly, but when I click the Ref Z then I get the message “Requested Home Axis is Used, Fix the Wiring and try Again”.

A+/Home is on Pin 12, Y+/Home on Pin 11, Estop on Pin 10, Probe on Pin 15  and all the rest on Pin 13.

I wonder if the problem is on Mach3 configuration or my wiring.

