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Author Topic: GCODE/Mach3 Make Sound  (Read 5169 times)

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GCODE/Mach3 Make Sound
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:47:32 AM »
Hi all,
Bit of a random thought, is it possible to add a line of code at the end of the GCODE programme created by MeshCAM to activate a sound? Obviously speakers etc attached and all setup correctly. We run a program which takes about 10 mins but is in a different room, this would really help us if it is possible?
Many thanks

Offline BR549

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Re: GCODE/Mach3 Make Sound
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 11:48:32 AM »
Turn on the speak feature in Config.

Then create a macro say M911

Speak" OK I am done come take care of Me"

Now mod the post to include the M911 call at the end of the code before the M30.