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Author Topic: Getting a rotary toolpath to show correctly in Mach?  (Read 12496 times)

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Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: Getting a rotary toolpath to show correctly in Mach?
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2010, 04:43:48 AM »
Hi Martin.

the Original screenset is supplied by minitech, I downloaded MachScreen and spruced it up a little.. added some snap crackle and pop as it were ;)

contact Jack Heald at www.minitech.com for this screenset? He may oblige you? I think however quite a few of the functions in the screenset are related to macros written for probing and homing.

but im only vaguely familiar with these things so i speak under correction :)

Re: Getting a rotary toolpath to show correctly in Mach?
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2010, 12:19:26 PM »
Those rotary patterns are cool.  I assume they're mostly for jewelry (rings) you guys are doing?

I'd love to get some simple g-code to play with if any of you are willing to post.  I just want to run it through my g-code simulator and play with changing the codes.


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Re: Getting a rotary toolpath to show correctly in Mach?
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2010, 09:03:32 AM »
Hi Chris.
Thanks for the reply. I didn't consider the option that it might be proprietry, so I'm not going to put them on the spot by asking for a copy - I couldn't face the rejection  :'( .
Shame about that though. I'll give the Aqua screenset a trial run 'cos it's a bit cooler on the eyes than the standard offering.

Thanks again.