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Author Topic: Kernal speed higher than required  (Read 3288 times)

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Kernal speed higher than required
« on: October 14, 2006, 05:23:24 PM »
Hey guys.
I have made  a 4X4' router that I control with Mach3. I run 503 IPM rapids, and the machine works fineat 45Khz .Well  I thought  everything was fine until today.I opened Mach3 and clicked ,operator, check config.this is what I see ( You are using a higher Kernal Speed than is required by your motor tuning.
 It is recommened you reset the program to 25Khz mode, restart and retune the motors.  Failing to do so will negatively affect GUI performance.)

  If i go back to 25Khz about 325 IPM is all i can get . I can live with that speed ,however it's like driving35MPH . The router has run 500IPM since July 06 
without any problem.I use 3/4 & 1/2 HP PM DC motors that I converted to servos &Gecko G320 drives ,10to1 gearbox on each drive &all chain drive on X Y Z&A. All motors are tuned the same exept A ,whitch I am not useing yet. My question is ,what am i doing wrong ,what will happen if i ignore this message.


Re: Kernal speed higher than required
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2006, 06:01:56 PM »
Dont worry about it, if your machine runs well and your computer is good enough go for the 45KHz.
Re: Kernal speed higher than required
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2006, 07:00:46 PM »
Just what i need to hear.

Thanks Hood