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Author Topic: Need help in Fanuc Ac servo drive  (Read 6692 times)

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Need help in Fanuc Ac servo drive
« on: June 16, 2011, 01:53:58 PM »
Dear friends,
                         i am having cincinnati Acramatic 850 VMC.  it is having fanuc Ac servo drives and motors. now i want to retrofit it. but i am not having the connection manual for it.

Fanuc AC servo drive having the following specification. i dont know if it will support the MACH cnc controller.

  1.   PCB    -----   A20B -1001-0770/04B-0129  and  AC-H402

it will be helpful if some one send me the connection details for Fanuc Ac servo drive. because i want the pinout details for CN1 , CN5, CN6 connectors.
