I still haven't been able to try with a desktop. I ran the road runner program 5 times. The end result was a discrepancy in the x and y movements. Each run ended up with the exact same discrepancy about 0.3mm ,+- the variables of my home switches (about 0.002mm). I am thinking that the next step for me is to get a smooth stepper and run from usb. With my motor test, there is a perfectly straight line, except for an odd bump of 1/8 inch. However on the far right hand side, just visible before the far edge of the box there is an occasional large spike. Maybe 1/2 inch above and below the line. The test comes back as a pass but maybe I am on to something here. Does the smooth stepper require the same sort of computer control from mach, or is it more like a standard setup where the computers processor just sends out standard usb serial info for the smooth stepper to decode.