Hello once again everybody
I have a Boxford TCL125 and it was running fine with Mach3 . However the computer committed suicide and had to be replaced . Thankfully I kept a record of ports and pins etc just in case of such an event . I have just put everything back as it was and I have 2 problems . The first is that my MPG no longer works , but that will not stop me using the machine so I will ignore it . The other problem is that I no longer have the ability to read the spindle speed for a reason I do not know . I can start and stop it , and I have now set it up so that the speed is not needed , i.e. s1000m03 in mdi starts the spindle and I can adjust the speed using the spindle % buttons .
Now to the question . As all my programs have been written in feed/rev , if I start the spindle in the program at say 1000rpm and it does 1250rpm I do not care . But will Mach3 allow the feed per rev or will it force me to use feed/mm ? For instance if it "thinks" the spindle is doing 1000rpm and the feed command is 0.1mm/rev will it feed at 100mm/min irrespective of whether or not it might be doing 1500rpm , or will it just complain it has no spindle speed visible ? Also if I use G94 instead of G95 , can I use G00 command and expect it to traverse at the full speed the machine is set to , or will I have to put in a feed command in every time I want to change from a rapid to a feed move and vice versa ?
The machine is going to be retrofitted once more in a few weeks so evey thing will be sorted then , but for now I have a couple of jobs to do urgently and any answers will be gratefully received .
I think I know what the answers are going to be , but if you don't ask , you won't know for sure . Thanks for looking .