Yes, I have thought about writing a PlugIn for the AnythingIO boards. But I had all a few Galil Controllers laying around and decided to use them instead.
While some Galil controllers are PCI based, there would be no other similarities to the Mesa cards. Galil provides an API library to access the controllers. Mesa does too, but the APIs are totally different.
EMC2 uses the HOSTMOT configuration. This is the configuration where the host closes the loop and it requires a real time operating system. For Mach, the SOFTDMC configuration would be the choice. It could be done, I'm sure.
Keep in mind that in order to run analogue amps with the Mesa boards, you will need their PWM to analogue converters as well.
What would it take for a Mesa Plugin to appear? Well... form the looks of the current PlugIns available, they come to life in one of four ways.
1) A programmer that likes to play CNC has a device that he/she wants to use and then they make it so. They may choose to "give" this PlugIn to the Mach community.
2) A manufacturer has a device that they want to run with Mach. (Vital Systems) They hire (or have) a programmer to write the PlugIn to insert themselves into the Mach market to sell the hardware device. A commercial venture, so to speak.
3) A programmer writes a PlugIn for a device, that he/she thinks will be desirable in the Mach market, to sell the PlugIn. Another commercial venture.
4) Art or Brian just gets froggy and decides to write the PlugIn for reasons of their own. (Galil, G100)
I would probably write a Mesa PlugIn if I had the Mesa hardware. But since I don't have the hardware and I already have Galil hardware, I can't justify buying the Mesa stuff. If I bought the hardware just to write a PlugIn, the resulting PlugIn would most likely not be free as I would want to recover my investment in the hardware. It's a lot of work. You need a computer with Mach, VS2003 compiler, and the hardware device in it, all sitting very close to a test machine with motors on it. And hours upon hours of time to spend on it. I can't even begin to count the hours I have spent on the Galil PlugIn. There are 4 people that have contributed to the Galil Plugin that I know of. Brian, Jeff Birt, Kenny Crouch, and myself. I would imagine that the total man hours spent on it's development is probably quite staggering.
So for now, if you want to run a closed loop servo system, your choices are the Vital Systems DSPMC/IP and the Galil.
Or, if you wanted to write a plugin, both the Galil and G100 PlugIn source are in the Mach SDK. You can look at them and learn about what information Mach can send to the PlugIn. But the actual implementation for the Mesa is bound to be as different as the difference between the Galil and the G100.