We lost our harddrive on our mill and had it replaced. Reloaded the the machine with Windows XP pro.
Reinstalledl Rutex software and retuned the motors. Installed Mach2 and rebooted as directed in the manual. Ran the driver test with good results. Copied the license from desktop and pasted in the mach folder. Opened up mach 2 mill an loaded up roadrunner program . Hit start program began scrolling on screen but no motor movement. Eventually faulted reset. Eventually it started running after going to manual screen and playing with joy stick.
We ran machine for 14 hours( a series of programs for contouring a mold). No problems. I went out of Mach back to desktop. Reinitiated mach2 and reloaded one of the old programs. It came up and ran. I stopped the program cleared it from Mach2 and shut down. Saved the fixture and shut down the computer.
Rebooted up the computer and went into Mach2 and found no movement again. Went out of mach2 and went to Rutex tuning software and checked motor movement and found it to be okay.
What should we look for?
Thank you JohnD