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Author Topic: THC300 or MP3000 material sensing routine  (Read 8971 times)

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THC300 or MP3000 material sensing routine
« on: February 19, 2009, 05:17:04 PM »
Hello Guys,
i have a question regarding the routine THC use to find the material initial height.

I know that the two systems i mentioned in the topic use a floating torch which lowers to the material, the torch tip touches the material and floats till it hits a limitswitch. Can this routine be modified?

I ask this because we would like to use the same routine but without having the torch touch the material (clogged tips, dammaged tips etc...), by activating an output to lower a floating foot to do the same thing the torch does... something like in this video...

It could be just like in the video, or without the prox switches and a floating foot.

Can this macro be modified?
Best regards
Re: THC300 or MP3000 material sensing routine
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 09:03:25 AM »
Dear Fernando,
If you still looking Initial Height Sensing, please visit our web page http://www.agelkom.com.tr/prod02.htm.
Our capacitive sensor has a good performance, easy to implement and use.
Best regards,