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Author Topic: motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file  (Read 5668 times)

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motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file
« on: December 09, 2009, 10:56:14 PM »
Still trying to debug my system and make the motors work with something. Ive reinstalled M3 several times including each time cleaning out the registry and folders so it would be a clean install. I have only 1 motor hooked up to geck203v/c11g BOB for testing. All power setting are good. printer port good.
When I run MACHMILL with only port/ pins set, I cannot use the motor tune function. The motor just jerks and slips and sound like their full of dirt. When I go to ALt6 and run set steps, the motor runs smoothly. And Heres the WIERD PART (and now for the rest of the story...).

When I do go to motor tune and test motors normally with arrow keys. Steps per =2000/ vel=200/  accel=5 / step/dir pulse 2 it really bad

 Anyone have an xml that works with gecko203v and c11g i can try.
maybe Im missing something to setup. Ive tried a ton of different ways.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 08:01:31 AM »
Have you tried setting Sherline 1/2 pulse mode in Ports and Pins ?.



Re: motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 08:13:32 AM »

You don't say if your units are MM or imperial, or what kind of load your motor is trying to shift and how big it is.

If units are MM, then you are starting at 0.0005mm resolution for some reason, so try this as a base line.

Set your driver to single step (or 2x if they dont support that) and set Steps 200 (or 400) Velocity 600 Acceleration 100 Pulse length 5us.

All my conversions have moved smoothly, albeit slowly with this.

You can then change your steps per mm, velocity and get an optimum tuning.  Be careful with too high an acceleration figure combined with high velocity or jogging can be precarious.

Regards steps, just remember that the higher you set the driver, the more work it has to do to get anywhere.
There is a trade off between this and resolution and a max figure of 8x is often recommended, I invariably go lower than that.

Hope this gets you started

Re: motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 07:06:09 PM »
Have you tried setting Sherline 1/2 pulse mode in Ports and Pins ?.

Did that already. no go with that
Re: motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2009, 11:34:39 PM »
I solved it!! Yea!!!
back in the ole' days of when i was programming and being a general nusiance to society, we used to play jokes on the other guys by turning down the electricity on their machines by use of a variac or variable tuneit downer(humor). As we lowered the power , the screen would scramble and the machine would crash. pretty funny HUH?We thought so too.To make a really long story more shorter:

I have a small house(and old) and the breaker was only 15 amp in the computer room. The one PC also has only a 250watt power supply which should have been enough. (and is now)
After hooking up everything , Tv on, 2 Pcs and a cnc control box, the amperage dropped and was causing mach 3/BOB/geckos all to go haywire.I didnt realize it until i noticed a flicker in the lights a few times, so i went out and put in a 20amp breaker and everything started working as it should. Who would have thought?
Story ends and I hope this helps many many more people.
And all you guys
Thanks for all your help and interest. Im sure im gonna have another big crop of problems, but at least this one is solved
Thanks Again

Offline RICH

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Re: motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2009, 12:17:26 AM »
I hope the wiring is approproate for 20 amps!

Yep, turn the variac and change the voltage down but the amperage does up and up until you burn the motor out. That is dumb!

While your changing the wiring you may want to consider that no matter what happens the lights stay on.
Long story short, was cutting a 4" thick plank of walnut wood, basement lights went out but the band saw kept running, didn't remember where the hands were..........

Next day rewired such that there willl always light!

F..en scary!
Re: motor tuning menu wierd in machmill need a good XML file
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2009, 12:22:11 AM »
I hope the wiring is approproate for 20 amps!

Yep, turn the variac and change the voltage down but the amperage does up and up until you burn the motor out. That is dumb!

While your changing the wiring you may want to consider that no matter what happens the lights stay on.
Long story short, was cutting a 4" thick plank of walnut wood, basement lights went out but the band saw kept running, didn't remember where the hands were..........

Next day rewired such that there willl always light!

F..en scary!

Noone said i was smart!!(grin)
Sounds like you had a bad experience.!
My house has 12/2 wire wrapped in cloth. I havent noticed any hot spots. But then once the control box is out, the room isnt going to pull 20 amps all the time.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 12:24:24 AM by oldhack »