NOTE!!!!!!: You must have at least PoKeys Firmware Upgrade version 2.0.5 for the encoders upgrade below to WORK right with your PoKeys/Mach3.
Version 4.12, this one supports 32 bit Encoders now (and they are FAST!!!). You have all 7, but I added "Encoder Mapping"
for your convienance on the PoKeys Cfg page of the plugin dialog.
For instance you set up "Encoder1" in pokeys software, but you want to map that encoder to MPG1 (which is encoder [4] in mach tecnicallly). On the Cfg dialog
page you will see the check box to "User Encoder1 from PoKeys" and a edit box to the right of that, you would put in this case the # 4 in that box. The number 4
represents the MPG1 in Mach3. (Note: you would still need to set up the Port10, and A and B pins to match the Encoder1 A and B pins on your Pokeys in machs Ports and Pins->Encoders/MPGs.
Note if your using Multiple encoders in the pokeys and are mapping them to encoders/mpgs in mach 3, then each encoder has to go to its own UNIQUE map. In other words, you can't send encoders1 and 2 from pokeys BOTH mapped to "4" (MPG1), it NO-Worky.
A slight timeout was added to the LCD write, so that it has time to refreash and stabilize, so you don't have "flicker" especially noticeable on larger LCDs (4x20 for example).
WARNING!!!!!: This installs a "Blank" PoKeys/XML meaing that you had better write down your OLD settings for pins and Uleds/Dros etc. prior to installing this one!!
This one when you go to the "PoKeys Cfg.." dialog will come up with Everything turned OFF, and "default" values on some of the boxes.
Remember set up your PoKeys the way you want it, with the PoKeys soft ware (i.e. pick your encoders and thier pins) and write it to your PoKeys. Then start Mach3, and match your "PoKeys Cfg.." to your choices with the PoKeys. NOTE: Mach uses TRUE indexing on the Digital IO, meaning PoKeys labels pin 1, as Pin1, but mach calls Pin1, 0. So in mach3 PoKeys Cfg, Pin 0 = pokeys pin1, Pin 1 = pokeys pin2, etc.
also remember on the digital IO, the inputs have to be in a continous range, and the outputs have to be in a continous range, no skips in the range. Since Pin 13 of Pokeys doesnt work, you could do 4 digital inputs, and 4 digital outputs like (on the pokeys inputs Pin 9-12, in mach that would be 8-11, skip Pokeys pin 13, then pokeys outputs Pn 14-17, in mach would be Pins 13-16).
Attached is the "LCDPokeys32Enc4-12.zip" unzip it to your desktop. NOTE: READ the readme file that is in the zip!!
Also: If you have already installed previous versions of the MSI installed PoKeys, you will need to uninstall it first before you can install this one.
>>>>>>> EDIT >>>>>>>>>>>>
The above about the XML over write, is ONLY if you are running the Old "PoKeys.XML" profile from previous PoKeys MSI's installers from me.
if your running your own profile, then the only thing you would need to do is possibly "re-enable" you pokeys plugin, since the version numbers
on it change, it will disable it self on install.
If you runniing your own XML, but want to use the PoKeys.set just load it from the: "View->Load Screens" menu.