My company purchased a desktop CNC machine and a copy of Mach 3 to use for some automated testing. I need to write a program that controls the stepper motor positions and captures some data from our sensor. I'm a software programmer and don't know anything about CNC machines or G-Code (other than what little research I've done today). I found one message one this forum where someone talked about using VB.NET to send commands via the "COM API", but I couldn't find any other references to the API or to controlling the unit with external software.
Can someone point to a reference manual, sample code, etc. that shows how I can interact with Mach 3 programmatically to do what I need? I'm not really picky about how it gets done since this is for research use only, not production. For example, I'd be OK with writing out a G-Code script file and then executing Mach 3 with a command call if that's possible.