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Author Topic: Spindle DRO not changing  (Read 2770 times)

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Spindle DRO not changing
« on: October 28, 2009, 08:33:43 AM »
I'm trying to write my plugin to display the actual spindle speed on the DRO. If try and set DRO 39 ("True Spindle DRO") nothing changes, its always 0. Yet i know my code is ok as if i use DRO 817 ("Spindle requested DRO") then the GUI updates (but not where i want it shown). Is there something else updating the DRO that is overriding my update?

Re: Spindle DRO not changing
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2009, 08:44:18 AM »
Or should i not be updating the DRO directly but rather Axis 7 struct (which i understand is the spindle...)?