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G-Code Commenter


This is a link to great G-Code commenter. Paste code into the box on the left and click comment code and your code will be displayed on the right with added comments. This can be a valuable tool especially if your new to G-Code. If you need to know what a G-Code does paste it in and comment and it will give you a brief description. It's a real good tool to learn by example. You have the G-Code button on the default 1024 set program run page you can use too but this is good if you already have the code and don't want to look up each code individually.  See attached screen shot for an example.  



That's very nice, like you say it could be a very useful beginner's tool, or for debugging as it would show up silly typos where they exist. Very nice find :)

as a beginner, i find this link very helpful.

many thanks

Thank you very much. Very helpful for me as beginner! :)


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