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Author Topic: DAVID LASER SCANNER AND MACH3  (Read 4616 times)

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Offline khalid

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« on: November 04, 2009, 01:52:20 PM »
I want to control laser rotation with the help of Mach3...The motor will be rotated by Mach3 while DAvid laser scanner do scanning job... Kindly tell me is it possible i am getting no step loss or anything weired during the process?.. How can i reduce the resources used by Mach3..I want to get smooth control of stepper throught the scanning process...

Currently i am using VBSTEPDIR.exe that move the motor but when the DAvid application is foreground the steppe speed slow and when the VBSTEPDIR.exe program running at the top of all application the stepper moves fast..Also by using that software my step timing is uneven..