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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2006, 09:14:03 AM »

Take an example - Cycle start is Alt-r, or scan code 2130 what I would like is next to the scan code a display showing the key combination,i.e. 'alt-r'

The reason - When setting up a pendant using keygrabber I need to know what keys relate to the buttons so I can map the pendant keys to Mach. If I want to do this for a screen set I haven't produced, I have to enter the screen editor, find the code, then work back to find out the keystrokes required. I did this the other day for about 40 Keys and it took ages!!

I enclose a picture showing the type of mod.



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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2006, 09:39:40 AM »
Ok, now I know what you mean.

I had originally tried to do this as we have the same functionality in our Jetcam screen editor.
Art doesn't use the same numbering scheme as us so I abonned the idea since my available time
for developing free applications is fairly limited.

I would like to get this feature in,  as I do understand that Scan Codes are meaningless to most people,
(including me).
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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2006, 03:43:55 AM »
Screen Editor Update Available :
This update addresses the problem of the display of keyboard scan codes.  In this version,  you should now see the scancode and it's keypress representation.

Click on the link below to obtain the files needed for the update.

Installation :
Simply extract the zip file into your existing screen editor directory (overwriting the existing files).
For first time installations,  create a screen editor folder on your system and extract the zip file into it.

The file History.txt contains all update details for all versions of the editor.  The most recent information is always displayed towards the top of the file.

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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2006, 07:47:29 PM »
Jetcam Screen Editor Issues, Comments and Fixes
Hello Everyone,

The latest Jetcam screen editor (and updates) can always be found at the following location :
You may check here from time to time if your interested in updating your version.

THE HELP FILE - ScrEdit.chm
Some users have been having problems with the help file not displaying topics.
This seems to be due to Microsoft Windows Security Updates.
The help file compiler seems to have added data and/or code that Windows believes is unsafe.
Information on how to fix this problem can be found here :

Scroll down to the April 10 topic.

Some users are unhappy about the PNG support or lack of it.
The latest update fixes a problem in the Open File dialog where there was no filter for ".png" files specified.
I have been investigating the PNG transparency issue and a future update (coming soon) will ensure that the
PNG loader automatically selects the correct transparent color property as specified inside the image files.
For now however,  all you need to do is to set the "Transparent Color" property to the color that should not be showing in the image.
See the manual for further details.

Image Transparency - all image types
I saw a post on Yahoo where someone complained that the image files where showing with holes in them.
This is NOT a bug.  Quite simply,  the editor auto-selected a transparent color.
The manual also covers this issue in detail and how to correctly "tune" images for the effect you need.

MACH screen editor VS Jetcam Screen Editor
There are some significant differences between these 2 applications.
The Jetcam screen editor is designed to supply MACH with a single image file for each
screen.  This allows the editor more flexibilty concerning the types of objects that
can be rendered and also takes better care of text label rendering.
For example,  the scheme allows users to create panels and other effects which
the editor then "burns" into the final screen image.  This simply isn't possible to
do directly in the MACH editor,  and must usually be done in another paint program.
Additional,  separate images are supplied to MACH for buttons and LEDs.
The manual explains all this in better detail than I have time to do here.

The Editor Screen Main Menu
There seems to be some confusion concerning this.
The menu is there because MACH has a menu. 
So the screen editor displays one in order to better emulate the final MACH screen.
I am now however thinking about making this a fully functional menu for screen
editing tasks.

Someone posted that the Screen Editor was written in VB.  This is not true.
Someone asked if the source code would be made available outside Jetcam.
The answer is no.  Proprietry code that is used in Jetcam's main stream products is also used by the editor,
and so will not be released.

I look forward to hearing more from users in order to further develop the editor.
As mentioned earlier,  if you visit the download link (above) from time to time,  you'll be
able to find updates as they become available.

Additional Help
I am able to create short videos for any users that need further explanation
of certain features.  These would be made available at the download link
mentioned above.

Kindest Regards

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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2006, 02:12:50 AM »
RandomAccess ,

I'm sorry I meant "Image LED buttons".

I spent awhile looking around but couldn't find them, went back and check and found I did not explain my self very well.

To have two images for "Off" and "On" states of buttons rather then colors (preferably a few frames of images for ON/OFF states to make mini animation. Example: a spindle rotating if your spindles on, CNC machine on fire if you estop is activated).

Many of my developing screens rely on this ability.

Also I had an idea to have "Containers" or compartment's. If you click a button a panel will open up to provide more function and save on screen realsate. You could have many buttons on the front of a panel and inside of the panel.

What do you think?

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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2006, 03:13:43 AM »
Hi Zealous,

>I'm sorry I meant "Image LED buttons".
>I spent awhile looking around but couldn't find them,
>went back and check and found I did not explain my self very well...

Now I'm confused.  What do you mean by "Image LED buttons"?
I can add an image property to LEDs if that would help.  The images
you provide would override the normal renderer.

But I don't really understand if you are talking about LEDs or Buttons.

> (preferably a few frames of images for ON/OFF states to make mini animation.
>Example: a spindle rotating if your spindles on, CNC machine on fire if you estop is activated).

The editor can only implement functionality that is also available in MACH.
I am not aware that MACH supports the type of "animation" you are suggesting.

>Also I had an idea to have "Containers" or compartment's.
>If you click a button a panel will open up to provide more function and
>save on screen realsate. You could have many buttons on the front
>of a panel and inside of the panel.

Again,  the editor can only support functionality that is also available in
MACH.  There is no real problem with your idea,  but you have to convince
Art to implement such support before the editor can provide the ability to build
such components.

Kindest Regards

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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2006, 03:30:03 AM »
RandomAccess ,

That would be great if you could add a image property for the LED's. ;D
I was looking at the components that "Jetcam Screen Editor" produces after creating a screen and notice the LED bitmaps.

It's great to have the ability to tile images.
Do tiled images have to be exported as a single image from Jetcam Screen Editor?
It would seem exporting the single tile would give a smaller file size and a crisper appearance.

One more quick question, because I did not read any thing about this:

Are the new "Slider" available in Jetcam?

« Last Edit: September 12, 2006, 03:32:53 AM by zealouse »

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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2006, 06:13:49 AM »
Hi Zealous,

>I was looking at the components that "Jetcam Screen Editor" produces after
>creating a screen and notice the LED bitmaps.

Yes,  the screen editor generates the necessary bitmaps automatically.
The reason I didn't implement bitmaps property for LEDs is because later on,
the screen editor will be able to generate all different kinds of LEDs.
(For now,  there is only 1 type).

>Do tiled images have to be exported as a single image from Jetcam Screen Editor?
>It would seem exporting the single tile would give a smaller file size and a crisper appearance.

MACH doesn't tile (as far as I know).
So,  this is the only way that I know of that the editor can give users tiling.

> Are the new "Slider" available in Jetcam?

I am not aware of a new "Slider".
What is it?  Can you post a picture and maybe
a simple explanation of what it does.

Kindest Regards

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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2006, 06:38:26 AM »
RandomAccess ,

There a very new Mach addition(super cool work great) it's included in the Developers Edition of Mach 3.

Benny has to update us here from the (visually unappealing) Yahoo forum.
They work great and add more capability to Mach:


Benny has a working Flash model here in the middle of this page.


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Re: Screen (5 ?) by JetCAM
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2006, 07:01:55 AM »

Thanks for the links.  Now I understand about the slider.
However,  I saw that Benny wanted to be able to "skin" the slider.
Is this support already in MACH?

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