Hi there all:
I've got a freshly installed version of W2000sp4 on a laptop P3 655mhz 512M mem set up for 'standard pc'. It's a little slow, I know. There are no other installed programs on this box, other than the latest version of mach3, so far unlicensed. I'm running some short test programs on mach3turn.
Over the span of a 20 minute operation, Mach3 will hang sometimes, spending a minute frozen, and then it will resume the operation, without the apparent loss of steps, afaik.
I had been getting the driver watchdog triggered error and have disabled it in general config. Drivertest.exe is stable/excellent.
plugin's have been disabled I think, there were 6 installed, three were enabled, and I unchecked them.
Also, the elapsed time clock stops at random places but the program continues to run.
I'm a newbie, for sure, and would appreciate any help.