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Author Topic: Waterjet Corner Ramping & Also Offsets  (Read 4498 times)

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Waterjet Corner Ramping & Also Offsets
« on: July 16, 2009, 09:23:43 PM »
1) On a waterjet can feed rate ramping be set in Mach parameters or does it have to have have manually input feed rates in G Code? Can Mach search for a very small rounded corner & slow it way down OR go at a faster feed rate for a larger radius using those parameters.

2) Do all offsets have to be produced in the cad file? Sometimes 1 hole might need to be tweaked with a different offset & it would be nice to do it at the control instead of a new cad file.

3) Or can #2 be done in Lazycam?

I know some programs like Lazycam you can select an arc or line segment & say change the feed rate property defining that element a different feed rate.

Offline Chip

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Re: Waterjet Corner Ramping & Also Offsets
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2009, 10:08:13 PM »
Hi, Steve

You can override the feed rate on the fly or edit in feed rate changes in your G-code.

LazyCam Pro will do offsets and you can put different objects or chain's on dif. cut layer's and change the feed rate's, But there isn't a way to change the feed rate for radius feed's within the chain cut layer's, As far as I know.
