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Author Topic: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)  (Read 8393 times)

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THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« on: June 01, 2009, 11:03:18 PM »
OK GUYS, I have been pounding on parts of MACH4 for a couple of days now. (;-)

Probing in VB code is NOW as smooth as I have ever seen it.

THe new HUD dispay in the toolpath display is really cool all the needed values
are in the display now COOL it allow us to build a new toolpath page and not
have to crowd it up with dros.

The old code here, with a 100K line file took about 15 seconds to load, and it
CRAWLED through a RFH it now loads in 2 sec. (;-)

The cpu just idles along spitting out HUGE parameteric files of nothing but #var

MIXED hybrid VB/Gcode sings right along. I thought I heard the machine GIGGLE a
time or two (;-)

The mode bar NOW displays ALL active modes no more guessing what is left turned
on, JUST LOOK at the line now (;-)

I also SAW/playedwith/tested a version that was SO fast in updates you could NOT
read the message bar it was JUST a blur.

BUT all that magic AND it still will not turn on the coolant in RUN FROM HERE

THere is a new way to do your config that fits in line with the big boys that I
really like. SOME may hate it BUT it seems to have fixed some spooks that have
been hiding in the XMLs. I think it will be a winner Just a little different.
took about 15 sec to figure out(;-) SO I know you can do it too. Really should
not be fooling around in it much any way once it is set it should never really

There WILL have to be a few more commands available outside the window to make
it simple to adjust conditions on the fly but no really biggy a couple of
buttons should do the trick.

Still at lot of lose error code popping up from time to time but a lot less than
4 days ago I have drove BRIAN Crazy yesterday and today.

I guess I need to let him rest a couple of days before loading up for a new

ALL in ALL a great new feel, Is it ready yet NOPE but it will be when it is
done. IF he survives the bear hunts. (;-)

Just thought I would post some info on the newest project. I don't always get to
see the total concept BUT WHAT I DO SEE is NICE. You are really going to like

ALMOST forgot, ATTBOY Brian. I can see 100s and 100s and 100s of hours of work
in the new code.

Thanks PAL for letting me help out,

Well back to testing (;-) TP

Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 03:26:21 AM »
cant wait sounds good! good work boys :)

Offline RICH

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Re: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 04:11:02 AM »
Does the new version just address the mill and the lathe has been orphaned?

Offline budman68

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Re: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 04:50:06 AM »
THe new HUD dispay in the toolpath display is really cool all the needed values
are in the display now COOL it allow us to build a new toolpath page and not
have to crowd it up with dros.

Any screen shots?  ;D

Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)

Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 05:04:53 AM »
screen shots.. he is going to post screen shots and a beta????

<plays Chinese whispers>


Re: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2009, 09:58:51 AM »
TURN HAS NOT  BEEN FORGOTTEN, As I understand Brian had to FIX problems in the base code in order to even think about the turn coding. SO it only made sense to get the NEW code working FIRST then rebuild turn. AS it turned out it was a HUGE undertaking JUST to get BACK to where he is today. ALMOST a full year of work envolved. One fix require another fix that required another fix type of deal. Which ended up in almost a total rewrite of certain moduals.

With what I see in the code performance wise and control wise TURN IS GOING TO BE NICE. VB motion  has become as fluid as Gcode motion.  AND new methods of hybrid VB/GCODE may be betteryet ???????  Tool offsets "The real cause of the major code rewrite" works like a charm so that should translate into GOOD TURN basecode as well.

Hopefully it will allow them the tools to address the problems now faced in TURN.

HANG ON , there is only one of BRIAN and I can assure you HE IS WORKING to that end.

NOW on your end IF I WERE YOU. I would be compiling lists of everything that you can think of that needs attention and get it ready. Then when he starts up he can have a ready made reference as a guide. I am sure he does not want to forget anything. ( DOn't let him)

HECK form up a MINI task force to make SURE all the bases are covered.   COULDN"T HURT worst he could do is throw rocks at yall (;-)

BUT that is just MY thoughts, your mileage may vary due to local traffic conditions(;-) TP
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 10:10:32 AM by vmax549 »


Re: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2009, 10:07:55 AM »
I would post pictures of the tool path display BUT it could always change in looks (not function ) before it is released. Don't want to jump the gun just yet.

Just wanted to let you know he is busting his keester to GET ER DONE .

(;-) TP
Re: THe new mach Mv4 (;-)
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2009, 10:33:27 AM »
Put me down to spell-check it ;)  "Job cancled" a thing of the past... :beer:

If you only buy one piece of software...make it Mach (dont forget the wizards too ;) )