My Denford Triac 3 axis milling machine is fitted with Namur type sensors for XYZ Datums/Homes and mechanical switches for overtravels.
The Namur sensors are 2-wire devices and, after doing a bit of research, I understand that they signal their condition by allowing a different amount of current to flow over them. This current is very small being, on this device, only 0.3mA. This small amount of current flow allows them to be used in ATEX (Hazardous) environments etc.
Before I stripped the machine for Mach 3 conversion all three detectors worked everytime and I never had an overtravel event. This, and the problem of replacement cost for 3-wire devices, as focused my attention on keeping them for the conversion.
Unfortunatley, these Namur devices normally need an amplifier which takes the current difference and does the actual switching and these things are more expensive than the 3-wire devices I am trying to avoid buying.
So, with a bit of careful hacksaw work I have cut the Datum section out of the huge original Denford motherboard (15"x16") and am left with what, hopefully, is the bit I need in working order (yet to be tested!).
Take a look at the attached wiring drawing and the bit I am left with is in the bottom left hand corner. I have then removed IC8 to allow me to use pins 2, 17, 4, & 15 for the Dtaums and spindle speed monitoring. As you will see the supply voltage to that side of the circuit is 5V which is lucky, whilst the 12V on the sensor side can be supplied from the origiinal Denford transformer.
Now I think have already taken one step too far as I have also removed the resistor decade RP2 but that can be replace with the same or differnt value.
So, I know it might not be conventional practice to hacksaw up a circuit board, but I would appreciate some advise on my 'project' and, more importantly, how do i now wire it to the PC? To be honest I never really undertood when regarding 'inputs' to the parallel port, whether the PC supplys the 5V or it has to come from elsewhere. I would appreciate guidance on this as well as I don't have a 5V supply from my existing transormer, only 7V.
thanks in advance ...Sweep