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Author Topic: True Spindle Speed RPM  (Read 4309 times)

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True Spindle Speed RPM
« on: April 26, 2009, 01:50:35 AM »
I need some help with attaching the Pulse Index Board that I purchased from CNC4PC.  It comes ready to install just have to supply 5VDC to it and run the output to a input on the parallel port.  That
Seems to be pretty simple except I’m not sure which pin of the parallel port and what the settings I need to make in Mach3 Turn in order to get true spindle RPM.  Can any body help me with this? ???


Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: True Spindle Speed RPM
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2009, 02:17:04 AM »
Do you have a breakout board or are you connecting direct to the parallel port?
 As far as Mach is concerned you just enter the pin and Port  number into the Index on Ports and Pins and thats it.
Re: True Spindle Speed RPM
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2009, 11:49:52 AM »
I am connecting directly to the parallel port.

Offline jimpinder

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  • Wakefield, West Yorks, UK
Re: True Spindle Speed RPM
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2009, 12:09:35 PM »
As Hood said, pick a free input pin number (10 - 13, or 15) and connect to that. Go to Ports and Pins / Inputs and assign your selected pin to Index. As with a lot of CNC4PC stuff, you may have to show it active low, or active high to get it to work.

I cannot understand where you are getting the 5 volt supply from, however. Do you have a break out board, or not. If you  have a breakout board, you will find a 5 volt supply on that - but then if you have a BOB you will be inputing the signal through that, surely.

If you do not have a BOB, you will have to make up a small 5 volt supply.  A small plug/transformer will do - like the phone chargers or similar, with a 5 volt voltage regulator. Connect the 0v side to the common return of your parrallel port (pins 18 to 25) and the 5 volt to the CNC4PNC board. There is no 5 volt supply on the printer port cable. I assume the 0v side of the CNC4PC card is already shown as connected to the 0v side of the printer port.

Not me driving the engine - I'm better looking.
Re: True Spindle Speed RPM
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2009, 12:32:07 PM »
Thanks alot you guys it works perfect now.