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Author Topic: Looking for assistant LPT printer card  (Read 4765 times)

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Looking for assistant LPT printer card
« on: April 25, 2009, 10:39:18 PM »
Hi, My name is Butch in San Antonio,Tx.  I have built my cnc router, have the motors mounted with drive couplings unhooked. I purchased a new PC runinng a clean registered version of Windows XP home edition.  The PC came without an LPT printer port card.  I went to Altex Electronics, a local comupter supply store and bought a card with the names NetMOS and Moschip on it.  It was supposed to provide IEEE and the EPP to make Mach talk to my Gecko G540 4-axis driver.

I loaded the card and driver and it will not allow me to get in to change my peripherals config from standard to EPP. I DID buy an IEEE cable to hook the two together.
Took the card out, returned it, got another one, same problem.
Could someone that has sucessfully started up their machine that is similar to mine above please share with me what brand of card you have or where to get one that will definately work with my set-up? Or am I doing something wrong(quite possible)  I have been trying to jog my "X" drive for a week and I am getting to the point of shoving this project in to the corner for a year.  I really do not want to do that.  I have been spending every spare minute and more for the last 6 months building this creature and I want to blow life into it. These cards mentioned above were made in China(duh).  I would like a really good card even if it costs $100.00 as long as it is quality stuff.  Any assistance would be appreciated more than you can know, Thanks, Butch

Offline Hood

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Re: Looking for assistant LPT printer card
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2009, 02:14:37 AM »
Did you enter the correct port address in Mach?

Offline simpson36

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Re: Looking for assistant LPT printer card
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2009, 02:29:32 AM »
I just posted a specific card, the source to get it and instructions on how to set it up with Mach.

Don't know how to link to other threads on this forum, but the title of the thread is:

Parallel port for PCI bus that works with Mach3 - just passing along info

Just find it and you'll get what you need.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 02:31:45 AM by simpson36 »
Re: Looking for assistant LPT printer card
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2009, 09:05:58 AM »
Thank you gentlemen for the replies.  The cards I have do have the Moschips on them,I will try the LPT adress change in device manager today.

Hood, Where would I find the port adress in Mach?
Thanks, Butch

Offline Hood

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Re: Looking for assistant LPT printer card
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2009, 09:53:12 AM »
Look in device manager find the PCI LPT port then  right click on it then properties then  resources tab,   it will probably be something like 9000 - 9007, the first 4 digits are what you want.
Then enter these numbers in Port 1 on the Main Ports and Pins page.