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Author Topic: Pocketing and Island avoidance issue, need help  (Read 24365 times)

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Offline 2bits

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Re: Pocketing and Island avoidance issue, need help
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2009, 11:08:20 AM »
I wish it were as simple as a misIdentified bit.  I've measured it and it's .1181, I get the sames results with a different bit size anyway.


Re: Pocketing and Island avoidance issue, need help
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2009, 11:24:10 AM »
OK have you cut a simple straight slot (one width of the bit) and measured the slot?

Repeat the movement test of 1"    move the axis in a direction to remove backlash Set the caliper and then move 1" how far did it move??

What are your settings for steps per unit?

(;-) TP

Offline 2bits

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Re: Pocketing and Island avoidance issue, need help
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2009, 11:34:50 AM »
Will have to try that tonight when I get home.  The builder finally got back to me, he's out of town.  He thought my controller may be set at 1/8 step mode, but the config file is based on 1/2 step mode.  If this were wrong, I'm not sure if it would be off by alot more or not.  Says he's never had a controller go bad in 5 years or the motors, and agrees this is odd that I can calibrate but be off when cutting.  Wants me to send the controller back.  I'd like to pop the case apart and check the step setting, but I'm not sure how it comes apart and I don't want to void the warranty unless he tells me to go ahead and pop it apart to check.

Offline 2bits

  •  24 24
Re: Pocketing and Island avoidance issue, need help
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2009, 09:55:36 PM »
This thread is done!

I might have solved my issue although I don’t trust the calibration because I had it correct last night and tonight when I got home it was off again (.016).  While I checked runout by turning the spindle manually, my eyes are no longer as sharp as they used to be and my son said he could see a slight blur on the bit at speed but he wasn't sure.  This is a brand new router, but the way things have been going, anything is possible.  Anyway I recalibrated and replaced the collet and nut with a brand new set and I’ve cut 2 items out exact to spec.  I cut Grahams file exact, the holetest_g3 whoever created that one to spec.  Currently cutting a third to see if I can keep going.  I’m actually quite surprised to see it cut out .175!  So I should now be able start cutting again, barring this whole fiasco starts over again, but it’s looking better than it has since I discovered this.

I appreciate everyone's help in this and I hope I can return the courtesy to someone else in the future, I have a lot to learn.

Thanks again.

ps: 3rd part finished to spec  .5" hole - .5"

I can see me purchasing a higher quality collet system in the future.
