Looking for a USB JoyPad plugin to Mach3?
Maybe the solution is here...
I have for some time been looking for a plugin to my "Logitech USB Dual Action JoyPad", but didn't find it (maybe I was looking the wrong places...).
As a software architect and developer I decided to develop my own plugin.
The plugin should support:
- at least 4 axes for jogging
- low and high speeds for jogging
- safety button to prevent accidental activation
- easy configuration of button actions using VBScript
- easy to use
The plugin is developed using the Mach SDK 2.6 in C++, MFC, Visual Studio 2008 and uses only standard Windows components - no need for additional software. C++ is not my preferred programming language (C# is) but it was fun and a brush up on early days C++ skills.
Now the plugin has reached a state where it is usable, so I decided to publish it in this forum - there may be others looking for a JoyPad plugin (as I did).
The JoyPad plugin is free and "as is" (ie. no support and guaranty).
If you like it, find errors or have suggestions, please let me know.
I have attached the plugin dll and read me files in "Mach3_JoyPad_Plugin_beta.zip" and the read me file "ReadMe.txt".
Instructions for usage and installation is found in the read me file.