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Author Topic: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account  (Read 17407 times)

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Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2009, 06:33:34 AM »
Right now I am avoiding touching the Feed Override while it is moving. I have to Feed Hold, then adjust, then start again.

By the way I have been making chips all day and am having good results by staying away from buttons and nobs that cause me problems.

Here is a video I just shot, my stepper based mill cutting up to 100IPM.


I don't think my configuration will help, if you have Servos then that is a completely different type of controller.


Offline Hood

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Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2009, 07:08:41 AM »
I have steppers on the Bridgeport, have tested with my screenset and its fine, will load the standard screenset with the slider and see how that performs.

Offline Hood

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Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2009, 10:52:51 AM »
Tested it with the standard screenset which has the slider, as opposed to the buttons I use on mine, and yes it screws up if you slide too fast. This is strange as I have used a pot and can wind fast and it seems to act fine. I dont have my pendant here as I have dismantled it to make a new front plate but will see if I can temporarily cobble it back together to test out tomorrow and see if it does indeed work like I am remembering.
I have also done another test which is to enter the FRO % direct into the DRO and that seems to sort of work, it will work if you slowly enter decreasing values but will stop if you jump too quick but seems not to screw up totally like the slider is doing.
 Seems like there may be a couple of issues on the go here, one is definitely a problem with the SS and one could be with Mach.

 There are big changes coming online shortly in Mach and this should make integrating external devices such as the SS much easier and cleaner. I cant talk for Greg but I suspect  you probably wont get any action on the plugin until then as any work done now will have to be redone with the newer version, so it would be a lot of effort for a short term fix. Timescale for the new Mach is in the next month or so but that could vary depending on whether things proceed to plan.

 If you are wanting to use FRO it may be a good idea to remove the slider and add up/down buttons to a screen and you shouldnt have the  missing step errors, I certainly dont seem to have them anyway. You will however get the FRO stopping motion once you get down a bit but even resetting direct to 100% seems to be fine and it seems to observe the accel.

Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2009, 05:34:29 AM »
Thanks for confirming at least it isn't just me that can reproduce this problem.

It would be nice if the Mach folks could look into this because I am sure it will be a while before the bugs are worked out of anything new considering how long version 3 has been around and it seems to still have bugs.

I think we should start a thread of things someone should NOT do when using Mach3 with a  SmoothStepper. I have learned to not press a lot of buttons over the past two weeks.
Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2009, 07:03:54 AM »
I have learned to not press a lot of buttons over the past two weeks.
Please compile a list of the "SS Dont's" and post it here.
I will be hooking one up soon and would like to be aware.

Offline Hood

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Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2009, 07:12:50 AM »
Hooked up the pendant yesterday with the pot on it for FRO on it and it seemed to work fine. However I was only feeding at 500mm/min, I bumped the feedrate up to 2500mm/min and it started to act funky just like the slider had been doing. Looks like its if there is a big jump in the feedrate the SS gets confused, 10% of 500 is only a 50mm/min drop but 10% of 2500 is 250 which is a big jump, so  in the mean time stepping down a bit slower is fine, not easy to do with the slider though.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 07:17:59 AM by Hood »
Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2009, 09:35:33 AM »
i have a related question about this issue. i have noticed that on the mill screen, when using the up and down fro button, the dro move by increment of 10%. but on the lathe screen it move by increment of 5 in/min wich is way to much an increment. and if i increment, it will be in effect only after the next G1 command (won't apply in the middle of a G1 move)
Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2009, 06:32:33 AM »
I have learned to not press a lot of buttons over the past two weeks.
Please compile a list of the "SS Dont's" and post it here.
I will be hooking one up soon and would like to be aware.

Then you should read this thread over at the Warp9 forums:

TOPIC:  Tips to make your life with Mach3 and SS better

Re: Feed Rate Override needs to take acceleration into account
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2009, 07:15:07 AM »
Will do....thanks,