when in mach 3, go to the offset page. position your router at any point on your table that you want it to be the zero X and Y of your part , then zero x and y at the top right corner of the window (mach3 ver 3.042 your layout maybe different if using another version). when this is done, position your drill at the exact same spot your router was, then click FIXTURE2(g55), and zero x and z. now if you click on fixture 1 and ask your system to go to x and y zero your router will be centered at part zero and if you click fixture 2 your drill will be centered over your part zero. at the beginning of your program, use G54 code if you wanr to use the router or G55 if you want to use the drill. you can also switch offset in the middle of a program for example if you want to drill some holes followed by cutting a contour.